
Kaspa Explained: A Technical Overview of a DAG-Based Blockchain

Peter Zoltan
| Editor:
Joseph Kennedy
May 2, 2024
6 min read

Kaspa aims to disrupt the blockchain space with a Proof-of-Work (PoW) consensus mechanism built on a directed acyclic graph (DAG). Unlike traditional blockchains that organize transactions into sequential blocks, Kaspa's DAG-based structure promises significantly higher scalability and transaction speeds with a more flexible approach to transaction ordering. 

Kaspa claims to hold the answers to the so-called blockchain trilemma, which argues that one of the main obstacles facing the technology is the inability to maintain decentralization, scalability, and security simultaneously. As a result, Kaspa’s native KAS token has become a multi-billion dollar asset and one of the most watched layer-1 projects. 

This article will provide a technical deep dive into the core principles behind Kaspa, exploring its GhostDAG protocol, consensus mechanism, and tokenomics. 

Kaspa claims to be the fastest layer-1 blockchain in the world thanks to its blockDAG transaction management system. Source: Kaspa 

The Team and History Behind Kaspa

Kaspa's origins can be traced back to the research work of Yonatan Sompolinsky and Aviv Zohar, who co-authored the foundational GhostDAG whitepaper in 2013. The paper outlined the theoretical concept of a DAG-based blockchain designed to address scalability concerns. However, the initial concept was not immediately implemented into a working blockchain.

Several years later, a team of anonymous developers initiated the development of the Kaspa project based on Sompolinsky and Zohar's research. There remains a degree of mystery surrounding the core team. In December 2021, Kaspa's mainnet officially went live, and the market capitalization of the KAS token has since established support above $2 billion. 

Several key milestones and upgrades have been carried out over the last couple of years. They include the implementation of “k-sets” for fair block selection, achieving impressive block creation rates (currently around one block per second), and space for upgrades that could enable sub-second transaction finality.

Understanding Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs)

Traditional blockchains like Ethereum and Bitcoin organize transactions into a linear sequence of blocks, like links in a chain. Directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) offer a different approach. In a DAG, transactions are represented as nodes, and the relationships between them are depicted by edges connecting these nodes. Unlike a blockchain, there's no need to group transactions into blocks.

Let's break down the key concepts:

  • Nodes and Edges: A DAG is composed of nodes (representing transactions) and edges (representing the relationship between transactions). An edge connects one node to another, indicating that the first transaction directly references the second.
  • No Blocks, No Cycles: Unlike blockchains, DAGs don't organize transactions into discrete blocks. Additionally, there are no circular references allowed – hence the term "acyclic."

Visualizing a DAG

Think of a branching structure similar to a family tree, where each member is a node, and the lines connecting them represent relationships. In a DAG, new transactions can be added to multiple branches simultaneously, unlike the sequential nature of a blockchain. This lack of sequential blocks and the ability for parallel processing are key aspects of DAGs.

Advantages of DAGs

DAGs can potentially address some of the challenges facing traditional blockchains, particularly regarding scalability and transaction speed. This is because transactions in a DAG can be processed concurrently, potentially leading to higher throughput and faster confirmation times. Additionally, the increased capacity of a DAG structure could result in lower transaction fees for users.

Kaspa’s GhostDAG Protocol Explained 

Kaspa's core technology is its GhostDAG protocol. This protocol refines the basic principles of DAGs to address potential shortcomings in earlier implementations, and it's the key to how Kaspa hopes to achieve its scalability and throughput goals.

Traditional DAG-based systems struggled with how to fairly and securely determine the "main" branch of the DAG. GhostDAG addresses this with several key concepts. Each block has a calculated probability of being included in the preferred parent set of future blocks, promoting fair rewards and preventing centralization. 

Additionally, Kaspa uses k-sets (smaller subsets of blocks) for consensus decisions, adding to scalability and security. The protocol also includes rules to manage rare instances where multiple blocks are created simultaneously.

Kaspa's GhostDAG protocol enables it to achieve Nakamoto Consensus. This means despite the lack of a linear blockchain, the network reliably agrees on a single, ever-growing ledger of transactions. This robust consensus mechanism is essential for protecting the network and ensuring a consistent transaction history.

Kaspa’s blockDAG system is arguably one of the most successful attempts at overcoming the blockchain trilemma. Source: Kaspa

Kaspa's Unique Spin on Proof-of-Work.

Like Bitcoin, Kaspa employs a Proof-of-Work (PoW) consensus mechanism to secure its network and validate transactions. However, there are key distinctions in how Kaspa implements PoW within its DAG-based architecture.

Mining in Kaspa

  • BlockDAG Structure: Instead of a singular chain, miners in Kaspa compete to add new blocks to the ever-expanding BlockDAG.
  • High Block Rate: Kaspa boasts a significantly faster block production rate (approximately one block per second) compared to Bitcoin's 10-minute interval. This translates to quicker transaction confirmations.
  • Adjustable Difficulty: Kaspa's mining difficulty adjusts rapidly to maintain its target block rate, ensuring consistent network operation even with fluctuations in hashrate.

Kaspa vs. Bitcoin Mining

  • Algorithm: Both Kaspa and Bitcoin use the SHA-256 hashing algorithm; however, Kaspa's DAG structure fundamentally changes how mining operates.
  • ASIC Resistance (Initially): Kaspa was designed initially to be mineable with GPUs, promoting wider decentralization. However, specialized ASIC miners for Kaspa have since been developed.
  • Rewards: Like Bitcoin, Kaspa offers block rewards to miners, incentivizing network participation and security.

The unique implementation of PoW in Kaspa aims to address some of the issues associated with traditional blockchain mining. For example, the faster block production and adjustable difficulty ensure quicker transaction processing and a more responsive network. 

Kaspa's Features and Potential Use Case

Kaspa's DAG-based architecture and GhostDAG protocol enable unique features that aim to address the challenges faced by traditional blockchains. Let's examine some of these features and their potential real-world applications:

  • High Throughput: Kaspa's current block rate of approximately one block per second, coupled with its adjustable block size, suggests the potential to handle thousands of transactions per second (TPS). This could make Kaspa suitable for applications that require rapid settlement times, such as micropayments or high-frequency trading.
  • Near-Instant Finality: Due to the DAG structure, transactions on Kaspa can achieve practical finality within seconds. This offers a significant advantage for use cases where fast confirmations are critical, such as point-of-sale transactions or in-game economies.
  • Low Fees: Kaspa's scalability could lead to consistently low transaction fees. This would enable use cases that are currently not economically viable on high-fee blockchains, such as microtransactions or machine-to-machine payments.

Potential Use Cases and Considerations

It's important to consider both the potential and limitations of Kaspa's technology. While promising for specific use cases, it's crucial to acknowledge that smart contracts – a core function for many blockchain applications – are still under development and currently in the "planning stage," according to Kaspa's website. This significantly restricts Kaspa's applicability for decentralized exchanges (DEXs) or other functionalities heavily reliant on smart contracts.

KAS Tokenomics and Use Cases

KAS, the native cryptocurrency of Kaspa, is essential for the network's operation. It incentivizes participation by miners who secure the network and serves as the medium of exchange for transactions.

KAS has a maximum supply of 28.7 billion, and as of writing in April 2024, just over 23 billion tokens are in circulation. This means there will never be more than this amount of KAS tokens in existence, and the network employs an emission schedule to control inflation over time. 

Block rewards, initially set at 1 KAS per block, are designed to halve every year until the entire supply is in circulation. This diminishing reward structure aims to ensure a predictable and controlled supply of KAS that’s comparable to Bitcoin’s halving procedure. 

KAS has several vital functions within the Kaspa ecosystem:

  • Securing the Network: Miners are incentivized to validate transactions and secure the network by earning KAS rewards.
  • Transaction Fees: KAS is used to pay for transaction fees on the network.
  • Governance: KAS may potentially play a role in future on-chain governance mechanisms.

The KAS emission schedule. Source: Kaspa 

KAS Price History Examined 

KAS has been one of the most successful large-cap cryptocurrencies of the past couple of years. According to data from CoinGecko, it has returned just under 400% in the past year, outcompeting just about every comparable layer-1 coin, including BNB, XRP, and ETH

KAS began rallying in early 2023 along with the rest of the market as the bulls regained control following a disastrous 2022. In April, its price tripled from $0.01 to $0.03 before pulling back to $0.015. 

As steady growth in market capitalization followed the brief pullback in May and over the coming months, KAS posted double-digit returns. December 2023 marked a turning point in the token’s price history; a massive surge in interest resulted in a 100% spike from $0.05 to $0.1 in a matter of days. 

The late 2023 surge, which pushed KAS’s market capitalization above $3 billion, was followed by a short pullback and another rally that ended with its most recent all-time high of $0.189 in February 2024. 

KAS has been posting massive gains over the past year and hit a new all-time high in early 2024. Source: CoinGecko

Final Thoughts on Kaspa 

Kaspa employs a DAG-based structure and the GhostDAG protocol in an attempt to surpass the scalability limitations of traditional blockchains. Its features, such as high throughput and fast finality, have turned plenty of heads in the crypto community, which has resulted in the project’s native KAS token outperforming the market. 

In addition, the novel PoW system employed by the network has allowed the team to develop a long-term token disruption strategy that appears to contribute to the positive price action and growing interest from large-scale mining pools.

However, the ongoing absence of smart contracts remains a significant limitation of the project's utility. On the other hand, the team has so far delivered on their promises, so we have no reason to believe smart contracts and other additional features won’t eventually be implemented. 

Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog is for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. Cryptocurrency markets are highly volatile; always conduct thorough research and invest at your own risk.

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